Meg’s Commitments To You

Responsible Campaign Pledge

For too long, political campaigns have operated without acknowledging or responding to the negative impact they cause. When I decided to run, I pledged to change that. I’ve created (and signed) the Responsible Campaign Pledge, which outlines our commitments in five key areas: 1) Environmental Impacts, 2) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, 3) Accessibility, 4) Workers Rights and 5) Campaign Finance.

View the Pledge Here

Voters Deserve to Know Pledge (act On Mass)

The Massachusetts Legislature continues to fight efforts for greater transparency and accountability. The State Senate has taken some important steps, but there is more to do, and the House has done very little on this front. I have proudly taken Act On Mass’ Voters Deserve to Know Pledge, to demonstrate my commitment to bring transparency and accountability to the State Senate.

View the Pledge Here

View My Policy on Transparency & Accountability


The Environmental League of Massachusetts (ELM)’s Commonwealth Green Pledge focuses on investing and protecting clean air, pure water, and open public spaces in Massachusetts.

View the Pledge Here


Established in 2017, the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge reflects campaigns’ commitments to reject contributions from the fossil fuel industry. As of May 2020, signers include every major 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate (current and former), over 50 sitting members of Congress (10+ U.S. Senators; 40+ U.S. Representatives), and more than 250 state elected officials. 

View the Pledge Here


Since 2016, Vote Pro Choice has helped prochoice voters elect prochoice champions in every election everywhere.

View the Pledge Here