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Commonwealth Green Pledge


my commitment to you

As your State Senator, I will make my community and the Commonwealth healthier and more sustainable. Together with my fellow elected and appointed leaders and the community at large, I will vote for legislation, amendments to legislation, or otherwise act to advance the following by:

  • Passing policies that position Massachusetts to accelerate its mandated targets as set by the Global Warming Solutions Act, putting us on a path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.

  • Actively advocating for smarter, cleaner, and economical renewable energy developments, such as offshore wind and community-based solar, laying the groundwork for a 100% renewable energy future.

  • Tackling pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by supporting improved and expanded clean transportation options, smart land use and development policies, and widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

  • Preserving and stewarding critical natural areas, wildlife habitat, and water resources.

  • Involving and protecting low-income and/or environmental justice communities in environmental policy making, acknowledging that these communities often experience the worst consequences of climate change and population.