Shut Down the Weymouth Compressor Station


Despite overwhelming objections, Governor Baker refused to stop the compressor station from coming to Weymouth. Even in the wake of COVID-19, the Governor refused to halt construction.

I have joined hundreds of other South Shore residents in signing the Sierra Club’s petition calling on Governor Baker to halt construction immediately:



Halt Weymouth Compressor Station Construction Due to Coronavirus Public Health Emergency

Thank you, Governor Baker, for taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously and instating a statewide stay-at-home advisory to stop the spread of the virus. It is critical that you protect vulnerable communities around the Weymouth Compressor from an influx of additional people coming from across the country working on the compressor station.

Please declare the Weymouth Compressor Station construction as non-essential during this pandemic and halt the influx of workers that could overburden already strained healthcare resources.

For the health and safety of workers, and residents of the Fore River Basin and the entire South Shore all construction activity should be immediately halted in the face of the public health threat from the novel coronavirus.

Enbridge has brought hundreds of out-of-state workers into communities of the Fore River Basin who are already overburdened with chronic respiratory illnesses, where hospitals cannot be burdened with any additional strain on their already limited capacity to provide care to those infected by the coronavirus during the surge.

A national emergency has been declared and a growing number of cities and companies are delaying non-essential construction projects -- a fracked gas compressor station for export is far from essential for communities in the basin being put in harm’s way. It is critical that you declare The Weymouth Compressor Station construction “non-essential” and put construction of this dirty fracked gas compressor station on hold.


Meg Wheeler