Let's Debate The Issues


Earlier today, I sent the following letter to Senator O’Connor, inviting him to a series of four debates on specific issues: the climate crisis, education, restoring our economy and racial justice. I look forward to the opportunity to have a meaningful conversation on these critical issues and to sharing our respective ideas with the voters of the Plymouth & Norfolk District.

Full Text of the Letter:

Dear Senator O’Connor,

It's an honor to be a candidate for the Massachusetts State Senate to represent the Plymouth and Norfolk district. I know you respect and appreciate this opportunity to make your case to South Shore voters, as I do. 

I’m writing to propose that we engage in a series of public debates  on issues critical to the voters in our district. I believe, as I’m sure you do as well, that the voters deserve to know where each of the candidates stand on the issues that matter most to them. Furthermore, I believe that respectful and engaging debate is a critical component of our democratic process. 

I propose that each debate focuses on one specific issue. As I’m sure you’ve heard on the campaign trail this year, there are many important issues for voters that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. FOUR of them are especially noteworthy, and each deserve their own debate so residents of our district are adequately informed when they vote on November 3rd.

Topics to be covered are (in no particular order): 

  1. Climate Crisis

  2. Economy

  3. Education

  4. Racial Justice

I further propose that these debates are just that - debates, and not forums, and that we broadcast them live on local public television and via virtual platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, etc) to make them as accessible as possible to all voters. Given the ongoing threat of COVID-19, I recommend that if these debates take place in-person, the in-person attendees be limited to you and I and a small number of campaign staff. 

I further propose that collectively we engage respected non-partisan organizations to facilitate each debate, and that we host these debates after the September 1st primary, in the months of September and October 2020.

I look forward to engaging in meaningful and respectful dialogue with you on these important issues. This election should be an honest contest of ideas, and I hope you’ll accept this offer to give the voters of our district an opportunity to hear for themselves our differing visions for our future.  

I look forward to hearing from you soon. To accept, reject, or discuss this offer please contact our Campaign Manager, Sam Kelley, at sam@megwheeler.com

 Best regards,

Meg Wheeler

Candidate for State Senate

Plymouth and Norfolk District

Meg Wheeler