A livable wage and financial security should not just be reserved for the wealthy.
Meg will fight for:
Increasing the minimum wage to $17/hour effective now (and not in 2023, when current legislation increases the minimum wage to $15/hour)
Adjusting the minimum wage annually for inflation
Restoring overtime pay for all workers
Universal child care that is accessible and affordable to all residents
High quality single-payer healthcare that is more affordable and not tied to an individual’s employment
Eliminating the tipped wage and replace it with one fair wage
Fair scheduling laws including advance notice of shifts, rest periods between shifts and right of first refusal for available hours
Consequences for businesses responsible for wage violations of their subcontractors
Ensuring all employees, including state and municipal employees, have the right to unionize and their collective bargaining rights are not infringed
A comprehensive green jobs program that brings in thousands of high-paying, stable jobs for Massachusetts residents
Incentives for small business owners to hire
Increased funding for grants and loans to start small businesses, including a significant portion reserved for underrepresented communities
Protecting and increasing funds for our towns to ensure essential services like schools and community centers are fully-funded without increasing property taxes