affordable housing

Because every person deserves access to safe and affordable housing.


Meg will advocate for:

Combatting Rising Rents & Home Prices

  • Passing legislation to empower local jurisdictions to pass rent stabilization laws, just cause eviction and limitations on condo conversions

  • Removing the statewide prohibition on rent control 

  • Providing tenant and foreclosure protections

  • Providing low-income tenants facing eviction with a right to an attorney

  • Giving cities and towns in housing distress the power to stabilize rents

  • Giving a tax credit to small residential property owners who maintain their rents at or below market rent

Preserving & Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing

  • Funding affordable housing trust funds by enabling cities and towns to assess a small fee on large residential and commercial real estate transactions that will go into those funds

  • Making housing authorities reflect their buildings by creating a process for appointing tenant members to the authority boards

  • Codifying and making consistent improvements to the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP), by  permanently raising the fair market rent to current standards for rental vouchers

  • Expanding multi-family zoning areas, so more mixed-use projects can be built with affordable units

Homeowner Protections

  • Sealing eviction records to combat housing discrimination

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